The NFI supports the creation of NFI Chapters that represent and support NFI members within a geographical area. At a minimum there must be a sponsoring NIDCAP Training Center, a NIDCAP trainer and at least 8 NFI members to apply for approval to create a new chapter. They must of course support and advance the mission and goals of the NFI and abide by NFI by-laws. There is an application and review process for establishing a chapter and those who might be interested in pursuing the creation of a chapter are encouraged to contact the President of the NFI for guidance and to discuss the process. A link to the full policy is below:

NFI Chapter Policy (PDF)

The NFI’s first chapter, NFI French Chapter (NIDCAP France) was established in 2013 and renamed the NFI French-speaking Chapter in 2019, to reflect the growing collaboration with other French Speaking countries. The purpose of this chapter is to serve as the authoritative French leader for research, development and dissemination of the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP).

Visit the website of NFI French-speaking Chapter