Nursery change

from conventional care to

consistently well-integrated NIDCAP care

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  • The infant and family are at the nursery’s core, cared for by the professionals and staff within the nursery and hospital.
  • The hospital is understood as part of a greater community, a community from which infants and families come and to which they hope to return.
  • The infant-parent relationship moves from one of infant isolation from the parents (Conventional Care) to one of full emotional and physical integration of infant and parents (NIDCAP Care) within the nursery.
  1. Interdisciplinary Goal Setting and Planning
    (all professionals, staff, and parents)
  2. Introductory/Foundational Education
    (all professionals and staff)
  3. NIDCAP & APIB Training and Nursery Assessment Review
    (core teams)
  4. Continued Mentorship for Self-Assessment, Reflection, Education and Training

Philosophy and Implementation of Care
Self-Assessment, Reflection and Action


NIDCAP – Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program.

Traditional CareInfants are considered patients. Parents are considered visitors. Family Members are considered bystanders, occasional visitors. Staff and Professionals are schedule-driven, task and protocol oriented. Nursery and Hospital Environment & Culture are focused on efficiency, occupancy, productivity, cost effectiveness, and consumer/customer satisfaction.

NIDCAP Care Infants are considered individuals, persons, collaborators in care, supported and nurtured by their parents. Parents are considered infants’ key nurturers, advocates and caregivers as well as collaborators in care decisions. Family Members are considered primary supporters to parents and infants. Professionals and Staff are partners in care with infants, parents and family members. Nursery and Hospital Environment & Culture are focused on supportive effectiveness, patient and family relationship orientation, and the promotion of individualized health, growth, strengths and development.

From Self-Assessment to NIDCAP Nursery Certification

Model of NIDCAP Nursery and its Figure Legend Final Oct2018-1

(Click the image to download the figure and its legend)