Transforming Care through NIDCAP: From Task to Relationship. The ROP Exam as a Test Case

A presentation by Dalia Silberstein, PhD, RN.

The presentation is designed for healthcare professionals and parents.

Upon completion of this educational activity, participants should be able to:
1. Identify at least 3 ways to make the ROP examination more comfortable for the infant.
2. Identify two ways in which parents can be involved in the ROP examination.
3. Reflect on additional practices that can be sensitively adapted to the infant’s and parent’s needs in the NICU.

Dalia Silberstein, PhD, RN, is a NIDCAP Trainer at the Israel NIDCAP Trainer Center. She worked for 25 years as a neonatal nurse and developmental specialist at the NICU at Meir Medical Center, Israel. She completed her PhD at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Science Center at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Her dissertation focused on the development of feeding behavior in low-risk premature infants across the first year of life, and its relations to infant neuro-maturation and mother-infant coregulation. Dalia served in the Board of Directors of the NFI.