NIDCAP is a philosophy and a practice that informs our unique approach to caregiving


  • The earliest, most comprehensive, and research-evidenced system for assessing and supporting the individual strengths of prematurely born and other high medical risk infants while they are still in the hospital
  • A caregiving approach that focusses on each infant’s unique behavioral communications and adapts care and the caregiving environment
  • A program whose mission is to support expert medical and nursing care with a focus on mutual respect, caring, nurturance of and collaboration with infants and families and among healthcare professionals
  • A model that gives the infant a voice and an active role, together with the family, in the care they receive
  • Reads infant behavior so that we may hear their voice and understand them
  • Teaches us what the infant expects for comfort, wellbeing, and a sense of security
  • Supports healthy development through sensitive caregiving
  • Understands that infants’ parents are valued as their most important, lifelong nurturers, regulators and facilitators
  • Embeds expert medical and nursing care within the active pursuit of mutual respect, caring, nurturance of and collaboration with infants and families and among healthcare professionals
  • Focuses on each infant’s unique behavioral communications
  • Translates infant’s movements, heart rate, breathing, skin color, facial expressions, and other behaviors into understandable language
  • Conducts detailed behavioral observations of the infant’s communication to form the basis for decision making, planning and all care
  • Fosters infant strengths while decreasing vulnerabilities and stresses
  • Supports family competence and confidence on their path to increased independence
  • Supports the professional and personal growth of healthcare professionals in their partnerships with each infant and their families
  • Assures continual reflection and self-assessment within the nursery setting
  • Guides care of each infant and family through the newborn and infant intensive and special care nurseries and beyond

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NIDCAP is family‐centered, individualized and developmentally supportive.

NIDCAP Goals & Benefits

NIDCAP care is fully integrated and achieved when considerations are made for:

NIDCAP care for infants is fully integrated and achieved when considerations are made for their:

    • Stability, comfort, and developmental goals
    • Health and well-being
    • Family’s participation


    • In hospital:
      • Comfort, relaxation, restfulness, pleasure and joyful interactions
      • Non‐pharmacological intervention strategies to alleviate experiences of pain, agitation and discomfort
      • Steady breathing with fewer days on the ventilator and requiring extra oxygen
      • Nurturant and nutritive breast (and bottle) feeding with fewer days of gavage feeding
      • Less severity and incidence of lung disease and brain bleeding (IVH)
      • Steady weight gain and growth
      • Shortened hospital stays and discharge at earlier ages
    • Beyond hospital:
      • Enhanced brain structure and function
      • Improved neurobehavioral outcome in infancy, childhood and adulthood

NIDCAP care for families is fully integrated and achieved when considerations are made for their:

    • Active and ongoing participation in their infant’s care
    • Equal partnership as essential members of the care team
    • Role as the lifelong nurturers and advocates of their infants


    • Enhanced confidence and competence
    • Comfort in their role as the lifelong nurturers and advocates of their infants

NIDCAP care for healthcare professionals is fully integrated and achieved when considerations are made for their:

    • Ongoing NIDCAP training, mentoring and support
    • Continuous professional and personal growth
    • Ability to provide NIDCAP care that promotes optimal outcomes for all infants and families in their nursery
    • Mutual respect, caring, nurturance of and collaboration with infants and families and among healthcare professionals
    • Appreciation and understanding of the dignity, comfort and well‐being for themselves


  • Professional and personal growth
  • Increased sense of competence
  • Job retention and satisfaction

NIDCAP care for hospital systems is fully integrated and achieved when considerations are made for the:

    • Inclusion of NIDCAP Professionals on staff
    • Recognition of the importance of the role of the infant and family in care
    • Importance of the physical environment for the infants and families served
    • Deep respect and care for the dignity, comfort and well-being of infants and families
    • Deep respect and care for the dignity, comfort and well‐being of the staff


    • Healthcare professionals and staff retention and satisfaction
    • Healthcare professional development
    • Cost-effectiveness and efficient use of human and material resources
    • Local and international recognition and reputation for providing NIDCAP care
  • Training is currently available from 28 NIDCAP Training Centers (Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America)
  • Please contact the NIDCAP Training Center nearest to you to discuss our training program.

NIDCAP Training Centers

Becoming NIDCAP Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions