University College Hospital, London, UK is the home of the UK NIDCAP Centre.
This week sees us busy with preparations to celebrate World Prematurity Day and plans are in full swing.
On the first WPD, we decorated the neonatal unit with a brightly coloured Sock Line and began Pudding Club, hosted by the unit psychotherapist and the NIDCAP trainer. The hour long session continues weekly; it has no agenda but rather provides an opportunity (over sweet treats!) for parents to meet each other, air their views and seek support or advice. The initiative has proved so successful that it has been introduced in other units, often at the request of the families on transfer.
Our Nursery Nurse, Jamilah, has organised a host of treats for babies, families and staff:
Each baby will receive a small purple octopus
Mothers will get an indulgent bath treat from Lush
Staff and parents will have the opportunity for a relaxing massage
Finally, we will celebrate the day itself with a big party for babies and families who have spent time with us on the newborn intensive care unit. The celebration takes place on Sunday hosted by Early Lives, which raises funds and supports for our Neonatal Fund.
Celebrate World Prematurity Day!
– Gillian Kennedy OBE
NIDCAP Trainer / Consultant SLT, UCLH